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We can help you create and implement the simplified homeschool of your dreams.

One that is doable, simple, personalized, and balanced for educating the mind, body, and soul.

Want to build a solid homeschool foundation that launches lifelong learners?


Academic content, curriculum, reviews, planning tools.


Recipes, Health, Exercise, Life Skills.


Bible, Resources, Encouragement, Character Training.

Clear and Easy Homeschool Planning

Learn how to prioritize, schedule, assess and maintain records to keep things simple in your homeschool.

Homeschool Content Simplified

Taking simple steps to decide what your kids need to know and giving them the tools necessary to learn them, becoming independent lifelong learners.

Build a solid rock foundation for homeschooling

Best Homeschool Resources

No need to reinvent the wheel and scour the internet. Save yourself time and energy by checking out our reviews and tried and true favorite homeschool resources that help simplify our lives and homeschool.

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